
I.A.L.T further develop my Maths knowledge and strategies through using Mathletics.

Room 1 Super Heroes

Today we dressed up as super heroes.

Discovery Term 4

I am learning to use language, symbols and text by helping Yarek with his paper chain.

Easy Blog Photo

Oaklands School Jubliee

I.A.L.T recount the Oaklands School Jubilee.

In my piece of writing I am proud...
that I have used adjectives !

Buddy Reading

I.A.L.T develop my reading fluency.

Marshall says...
I am proud that I am good at reading!!!

P.E. Athletics

In athletics I have been learning to run from a lying start and working towards a crouched normal sprint start.

I know I can do this when I can:
  • Get into the starting position ready to race
  • Push myself up into a running position
  • Aim to run towards the finish line
  • Run hard and fast in a straight line to reach the finish line
  • Run from a crouched sprint starting position.
I can get ready, push myself up and run fast to the finish line. I am learning to run from a crouched sprint start position.

Reading Term 4

In Reading I am learning to:
Retell the story.

I know when I can do this because I can:
  • Talk about the characters in the text
  • Talk about where the story takes place (setting)
  • Explain what happens in the story

I can already talk about the characters, setting and explain what happens in the story. I am learning to do this with lots of detail. This is me reading on the computer.